No kidding, I was up to my mid-knees in a swamp (which I thought might eat me alive) to get the pictures of the water birds this morning. It felt like I was stuck in cement and I was thinking about the sinkholes found in Florida recently. I also wondered if they had quicksand in these backwoods swamps. During the hurricane season I can not get near this area of the marsh as it is filled with water too deep for my boots. Now however it has dried up into a thick muck. As I was standing there waiting for the herd of birds to move closer, many different birds flew to the gathering place. Flocks of Ibises, Pelicans, Tricolored Herons, Reddish Egrets and Snowny Egrets all flew in for a landing right before me, in time for the feast. I counted over 20 Great White Egrets.